Ah, Jack-5. Overpowered to the very max. I couldn’t beat him, so I fought as him and had great fun. I worked out a few moves, went up in rank a few times and bought some nice cosmetic upgrades.

Now my wife has taken over again and is playing as Lili. She seems to be enjoying herself. I’m thinking of digging out the PSP version. Not as shiny, but the single player game is more fleshed out.

Next weekend I think we might use the last of my Gamestation credit note for another controller.

In case you’d not noticed, we are loving this new console. It’s not got a great range of games yet and it’s very expensive, but the games we have are all great fun and it’s just a lovely, shiny piece of kit. Apart from not charging the controllers when in standby mode and having an insulting short charging cable that doesn’t reach the wife’s side of the sofa from the console, of course. Bad Sony.