The face mapping worked! I asked my wife and she said the result looks reasonably like me. Shame it appears to have made me bald – my hairline isn’t that far back! And my right eye appears to be completely out of focus, but I’m wearing a visor over them now. It’s certainly a much better result than the one I got from the original Vegas game, where I looked like a cross between a panda and an Oompa Loompa.

The game, though? Well, it’s marvellous, it really is. The enemy placement is clever, the levels allow for different approaches to encounters and the shooting works properly. Your AI teammates aren’t the cleverest of chaps, but can be very helpful. Essential, even.

And I love, love, love the way you’re constantly getting experiencing points in different categories. Seeing bonus points pop up for good kills makes everything feel more rewarding, even when you’re redoing the same section of the game for the fourth time. I very much approve.