Sometimes, you don’t get much luck with your letters.

Ouch. Anyway, I’ve got about fifteen hundred games on the go at the moment and I’m having a wonderful time, even though I’ve just lost a game after winning my first six.

By the way, I will play some games that aren’t on the iPhone again sometime, I promise. I might even turn my 360 on sometime in the next few days. This site hasn’t turned into an iPhone-only blog. It’s just that at the moment I’m doing my daily Animal Crossing and then just enjoying my iPhone games. It’s partly because it’s new and exciting, partly because I’m catching up on a year’s worth of games, partly because it’s a lot easier to play games on a device I always have with me, partly because I can play while the TV’s on and, well, partly because the iPhone is home to some cracking games – that are either very cheap or free.

But it’s also because Words With Friends is as addictive as chocolate-coated crack that comes with a free Batman action figure.