Utterly brilliant stuff, obviously. I even managed to work out USING MY OWN BRANE how to stay in the air for a minute to complete one of the mini challenges I’ve found littered about the place. I was very, very proud of that moment. It was just pure experimentation and it worked.

Now, though, I’m stuck on another mini challenge where I have to kill two big enemies with, I think, ten punches and seven kicks. That’s just not going to happen, I don’t think. I’ll try again a couple of times next time I play, but I think I’m going to have to leave it until I’m much, much better at the game.

In some sad news, though, Bayonetta broke my thumbstick last night. I was playing the game and a chunk came off the the left stick on my controller.

Luckily I’ve got a spare, but that controller has been with me through thick and thin for many years. (As you can tell from the dust and dirt built up on it.) Still, it’s not completely unusable now, just a bit annoying. It can be a guest controller, I’m not going to throw it out.