An epic quest to find the gang known as the Roaches. I’d avoided seeing them earlier, instead doing missions for the other two gangs, so last night, after much mayhem, I decided to go and find them.


There were no Roaches icons on my map that I could see. I spent minutes zoomed in, sweeping around, looking for a blue icon.


So then I remembered the paper map in the game box. That – hooray! – should be the location of the Roaches HQ. Spent a few minutes flying a helicopter over there. Found a big mansion with people standing around in an empty swimming pool (um…) but no mission.


Resorted to the Internet. Lots of people with the same problem – but then some help. I was told to go a little way down the coast and, indeed, there was a mission icon on my map down there. It’s just I hadn’t seen it, because it’s blue and the icon’s over the sea.


So I went down there and started the mission. Great game, but really. Didn’t anyone notice in testing that it was impossible to see the icon for that mission?