I love that you can just go for a drive and stuff to do just finds you.

Last night I was driving, saw the icon for a colonel pop up and drove into a base. Was soon being shot from all sides, clicked the trigger – nothing. All out of SMG ammo. A few bullets left in my pistol. A mere twenty bullets in my assault rifle. Ran through the base using my last ammo, firing almost randomly. Ran round a corner, almost hit my face on a fire engine, jumped in, turned around, accelerated, turned the colonel into meaty chunks under my tyres, open my parachute, turned around, grappled on to a weaponless helicopter, started to fly away, got shot by a combat helicopter that had flown up behind me, leapt out of my burning chopper, grappled on to the one that had been shooting me, hijacked it, saw bullets slam into me, wheeled around, shot up another helicopter that had turned up, sent it crashing into the trees below, then flew away to safety trailing thick, black smoke.

All of which took a couple of minutes.

I love this game.

I also swam down to the bottom of the sea to collect a drug drop, found a strange, stormy island filled with bizarre towers and, well, generally just buggered about.