Apparently, Twin Blades has had a huge update since I last played it, but I’m not entirely sure what’s different. Possibly the story wasn’t there before. Maybe the upgrade shop is different. I can’t really remember.

Twin Blades

Killing zombies all day long, la la la la.

Regardless of the changes, the core gameplay seems to be the same as I remember. Run to the right, kill everything in your way in a glorious spray of blood and ashes. It’s fantastic fun in short bursts, but there’s a problem.

Twin Blades


Yep, that’s a boss. A great, mean fucker of a boss. Oh, yes, I’m sure I could (a) go back and level up or (b) get some fucking skills, but I’m not sure I’ve got the will for it. The game’s still on my iPhone, but it’s hanging on by the skin of its teeth right now.