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GCPD: You Must Remember This
December 12th, 1999

   Renee stands there, flabbergasted. The two diametric opposites
unleash their lips from each other, and everyone else still can't
believe what they're seeing. Helena lifts up her sunglasses, and
tosses Loren a provocative blink.

Helena: See you later...lover.

   The lieutenant of the Special Investigations Unit remains silent,
as he and the others stare at the exiting vixen. Loren coughs, putting
his hand to his mouth, then nonchalantly moves his hand to his pocket.
His girlfriend turns to look at him with severe, questioning eyes. She
doesn't even have to speak.

Loren: Renee, it's not what you think...

Renee: Oh no? I guess that wasn't *her* you were with on the roof
       last night, then!

Loren: How did you --

Renee: How long has this been going on, Loren?!? Was I just some girl
       you came home to, after you had your real fun with her behind
       my back? Forget it; I don't even wanna know. We're *through*.

Loren: Renee... Renee!

   Detective Montoya walks out of the office area, looking back only
once, near the exit, in order to send Loren a message more threatening
than anything the mythical Medusa might offer, bringing the centre of
attention back to her now former boyfriend. Even Wayne, who at any other
moment would have a sarcastic remark handy, was at a loss for words.
The Commissioner walks out of his office, past Pi.

Gordon: What's with all the noise out here...? Get back to work, people.
Remember, you're all on duty for the fundraiser at the Davenport
Center later tonight, so I expect all of you to be prepared.
Oh, and Wayne, *try* to wear something at least half-presentable
tonight... ;)

   Gordon returns to his office, while everyone else attempts to find
something to occupy themselves with. They cannot help to look at Loren
every second or so, as if any or all of them were trying to pick apart
his mind, to find out just what was going on in there. Chris walks over
to the devastated lieutenant.

Chris: Hey! What the heck was *that*?

Loren: I don't know, Chris. I really don't. I didn't even have time to
       react. She just came up behind me, and before I knew it, she
       shoved her tongue down my throat.

Chris: Maybe, but you appeared to be enjoying it.

   Loren doesn't reply.

Chris: Look, I know things haven't been going too well for you in
       the past few months, but whatever's going on with you and's not right.

   Loren mutters to himself...

Loren: Tell me about it...

Chris: What was that?

   The lieutenant attempts to turn the topic to work.

Loren: Forget about it. Listen...I've got a bad feeling about tonight.
       I mean, I know you and I've gone over all the floor plans --

Chris: What about Renee?

Loren: She'll be there, too.

Chris: That's not what I meant.

Loren: Look, let's just do what we gotta do, and I'll worry about
       Renee later.

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