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Author's Note

This story is based on the Animated Series.  If you like dark, brooding Bat-stories, then you probably will not enjoy the following.

Bride Of Batman

By Sarina Wayne with Jessica Haller and Loren Di Iorio

Chapter One

Briefing at Red Claw's command headquarters.

Red Claw's explaining some blueprints to a young woman dressed all in black. It's a tight-fitting outfit with a red claw on the shoulder. All is covered but the woman's head.  The hood of the outfit is hanging down her back.  The woman looks svelte and strong. Beautiful. She has long blonde hair, and striking blue eyes. She moves fluidly and gracefully around the table to get a different perspective.  She is very easily seen as not to be messed with.

RC:  This one little chip holds up my entire plan.   I need you to get it.  Tonight you will prove to me that my investment in you has been worth it.

SW:  Am I going in alone?

RC:  No.  You will take three others.  They are expendable.  If there is any trouble, they go first. You get my chip and get back here.  Remember what I told you about Batman.   If he comes, do not hesitate to kill him, whatever it takes!

SW: When do we leave?

RC: Now. 

Later, on the second floor of a building, standing on the fire escape, two people are making a hole in the window.  They are using a laser and it is soundless. Another is a lookout.  The woman is standing by, tense, ready to move.

Thug 1:  Done! 

The woman starts looking around at her surroundings, as if she just got an idea.

SW:  All right.  Everybody in.

Thug 2:  Hey, aren't you supposed to go first?

SW:  Not this time.

The thugs shrug and start entering the building. Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the foursome, they have been spotted.  Batman is on the opposite building checking things out.  Since it's a Waynetech property they're busting into, he was the first one notified by the silent alarm.  As he's about to swing over on his grappling wire, he's also checking out this woman with the red claw on her suit. Her face is now covered by her mask.   After the thugs are inside the building, she jumps from the fire escape down into the alley and she starts running as fast as she can.  As he starts to swing on his wire, he has just enough time to throw a  transmitter on her.  He lands on the fire escape, enters through the opened glass and makes his presence known.

Thug 2:  Look out!  It's the Bat!

T1:  (yelling) Where's that broad that supposed to take him out?

T3 didn't get a chance to answer, as his face was full of Batman's gauntleted fist.  T2 and T1 start turning to fight.  jumping kicking fighting action scene goes here.  Soon they are all bound by Bat-wire and will be waiting there when the police come any minute.  Batman picks up the nearest one and pulls him off the ground.

Bman: (gruff voice) The woman.  Where's she going?

T3: (scared) I -- I dunno!

T2: (nervous) She was supposed to be here with us!  She split, man!  She split on us!  Red Claw's gonna be pissed!

Bman:  What does Red Claw want here?

T3: I -- I dunno, man, I dunno!  The chick was in charge, man!  She split!

Sirens are coming.  Finally.  Batman goes out the way he came in, then jumps down from the fire escape.  In the alley behind the building he uncamouflages his Batmobile with the touch of a button on his utility belt.  He jumps in, starts the car, and activates the radar for the transmitter.  As he's zooming away, he hears the Beep Beep Beep  There's a dot on the screen. 

Bman: (thinking to himself) She's gone into crime alley. What is going on?

As he's driving, he activates the phone.

Bman: Computer, call home.

[phone ringing]

Alfred: Wayne Manor. pause  Yes, Master Bruce.  So good of you to call.

Bman: Cancel my breakfast meeting with Dr. Troy.  I'm going to be busy tonight. All night.

Alfred: (sighing) Yes, Master Bruce.  Very well.  While you're on the line, might one inquire as to what I should say to Miss Brimely?

Bman:  Who?

Alfred: Your dinner date.  She's been here for three hours.

Bman:  Tell her I've gone to Rome. 

Batman hangs up and continues zooming through the streets of Gotham, on his way downtown.  By the time he gets near, the dot on the radar appears to have stopped moving. He knows the area.

BMan: Nothing but abandoned buildings.  What could Red Claw want down here?

He leaves his car in an alley and continues from building to building on a wire.  He gets to a dilapidated building.  An old apartment building that had seen better days.  The windows are boarded up, except for the very top rows. It's a tall building, maybe 6 stories.  The front door is boarded up.  There are transients in front of it, almost in a pile.  She's here somewhere.  He lands on the building across the way and pulls out his binoculars.  The lock on the fire escape has not been broken, so she couldn't have climbed up there... or could she?  It's quite a jump.  He looks at the window at the very top.  Broken. She must be there.  With a wire he swings over to the fire escape and lands silently.  She is there. She's sitting in the corner of the room. It's dark and Batman can just see her outline.  She's removed her mask. He still can't quite make out what she looks like.  She reaches down into her suit, almost as if she's pulling something out of her bra.  It seems to be a small picture.  She looks at it.

SW: Well, Mom, here I am. Not dead, and, for tonight anyway, out of that miserable deal.  I bet you're really disappointed in me, but I've seen the light.  You'll see.

She puts the picture back from where she got it. Batman is watching and listening to all this. She starts to move into the light to look out the window.  She sees him standing outside there for the first time. She moves quickly to the door to escape, but it won't open.  Her only escape is the window.  She runs at it full force. She's thinking she'll hit him hard, he'll fall and she'll be able to climb down the fire escape.  What happens is she knocks him back and she keeps going right over the railing.  He jumps after her, shoots his wire, grabs her and ascends back up to the top of the building. He takes her over the edge of the roof and turns her so she's between him and the guardrail at the top.

Bman: (gruff) What are you running from?

SW: (indignantly) You!

Bman:  (slowly, toughly) You can't run from me. Remember that. Tell me why you ran from Red Claw.  What do you want here?

SW: (angrily) *I* want to be left alone! 

Bman:  (still tough) No problem.  Tell me about Red Claw.

SW: (pauses)  Why should I tell you anything?

Bman: You know Red Claw's up to no good. You'll only protect her by keeping quiet. That makes *you* in the same deal as she is.

Sarina thinks about this.

Bman: (a little less mean)  Tell me what I want to know.  Then I'll leave you alone.

SW: (hesitantly, looking him in the eye) She -- she was after a chip.  She needed it for some device she's making that will stop all the computers in the city from working.  Or working properly. I don't know every detail, but --

Bman:  Where is Red Claw now?

SW: It's underground.   Over by a -- it looked like a -- like a golf course, but it was all wet.  I think I might could show you --

Bman:  No. Stay here.

In a single motion he went over the edge of the building.  She looked over the wall and he was already out of sight.

SW:  Stay here.  Brilliant, Bat-boy.

She went over the wall to the top of the fire escape and crawled back in the window.

Two nights later, hungry and thirsty, Sarina, wearing her outfit, went stealthily down the fire escape.  She found a dark spot in a nearby alley. There were a couple of people just standing around, waiting for something...

JR:  Man, he better hurry up.  I can't wait around here all night, man.  He better hurry up.

Tony:  Shut up, man.  I told you he'll be here.  It's cool, shut up.

JR: Don't tell me "shut up," I'm just --

He's interrupted by the sound of a car that pulls up.  A man gets out.  Tony and JR walk over.

Tony: Hey, man, good to see you.  This is my pal JR that I told you about.

Man: Whatever.  Where's the money?

JR: (whispers) Right here, man. 

JR slyly shows a wad of bills.  Sarina steps out of the darkness. 

Man: What have we --

He doesn't get to finish.  Her foot crushes his nose.  She continues fighting with all of them until they are all three on the ground unconscious.  It takes only seconds.  She grabs the money from JR and splits. Runs a distance to a run-down liquor store, goes in and gets food and water.  Goes back to her place and eats.

SW: (mouth full) Tomorrow, Mom.  Tomorrow I'm going shopping.

One month later, her apartment, on the floor, has blankets, clothes, an ice chest.  Sarina is dressed in normal clothing.  It is night.  She goes out to the fire escape and jumps up on the roof.  A shadowy figure is there.  She stays in the glow of a neon light, he stays in the dark.  It is not the first time they've met.

SW: Oh. Didn't know you were here already.  Any news?

Bman: None good.  It's almost as if Red Claw's disappeared into thin air.

SW: (wryly) She'll be back.   It's just a matter of time.

Bman: At least she doesn't have the chip.  That was the only one in the world. With that, she could have done whatever she wanted with this city.

SW: Hey, thanks for keeping me posted. 

Bman:(pauses) Sarina... I am wise to your nightly activities. 

SW: (looks surprised) How did you know  --

Bman:  Knowing is my business.  I thought you wanted to clean up your life. Why don't you get a job and get out of here?

SW:  (pauses) It isn't that easy.  Besides, there are people down here who need a job a lot more than I do.   People with little kids, good people down on their luck. 

BW:  And?

SW: Cleaning up your life doesn't have to mean getting a job and moving away. I made a promise, see.

Bman:  I see.   A promise to beat up neighborhood dealers? 

SW:  (smiles)  No,  you've got that covered. I made a promise to my mom.  I want to be like her.  And for now I'm doing the
best I can with what I have to work with.

Bman:  I see.  Well, you're going to have to find another way to get money. 

SW:  When the cops bust dealers, they keep the money; why shouldn't I?

Batman doesn't answer.  She can feel him watching from the shadows.

SW:  Okay, okay. 

She starts thinking of other ways to get money. 

Bman: Go to Waynetech.  A lot of people get work there.

SW:  I can't work in a regular gig, Batman. I have no birth certificate, social security card.  I don't even have a real address.  I tried to get copies, but they said I had to show I.D., which I can't get without the certificates! I don't enjoy beating people up, you know. Even if they are --

Bman:  Where are your documents?

SW: I thought they were at the place where I used to live.  But it's closed down now. (pauses) Anyway, I'll deal with that later.   Can anyone work at this Waynetech place?  I know a few people  --

Bman:  I want you to talk to Bruce Wayne tomorrow.  Go up there, to that house on the hill.  I'll tell him you're coming.  I think he can help you.

She hears a slight rustle and she knows he's left the rooftop.

SW:  Go see Bruce Wayne!  He'll be happy to see me at his door, I'm sure.

The next day, at exactly 1:00 p.m., Sarina steps through the driveway gate of Wayne Manor. It is open. She is casually dressed and attractive.   She walks up the driveway to the doorstep and hesitates, then rings the bell. 


Alfred:  I believe your guest is here, Master Bruce.

Alfred walks over and opens the door.

Alfred: Yes, Miss?  May I help you?

SW: I'm here to see, uh, Mr. Wayne.  I was sent here by --

Bruce has walked up behind Alfred as if to see who's at the door. 

BW:  Oh, yes, the girl from downtown.  Let her in, Alfred.

Alfred opens the door all the way, and Sarina steps cautiously into the foyer, looking around the whole time.  It's the biggest house she's ever seen.

SW:  (under her breath) Whoa....

Bruce has started to walk away into another room.

BW: Show her to my office, Alfred.  (to Sarina) I'll be right there.

Alfred: Very well, sir.  (to Sarina) Miss?  This way, please.

She follows Alfred, almost hypnotized, still taking in everything she can. They get to the office.  Alfred shows her the chair, and she sits down and seems a little nervous.

Alfred:  Can I get you anything to drink?  I've just made some lemonade, perhaps you'd like --

SW :  No -- no, thank you.  I'm fine.

Alfred:  I'm sure Master Bruce will be right with you. 

He leaves the room.  About two minutes later, Bruce comes in. He sits down behind his huge desk, which has papers strewn about.  He puts his feet up.

BW:  Well, Miss -- I'm sorry, what's your name again?

SW: Sarina.

BW: Sarina -- ?

SW: Oh.  Sarina Wade.

BW:  Miss Wade.  I understand we both have a bit of a dilemma.  I'm hoping we can help each other. 

He puts his feet back on the floor and leans forward.

SW: I'm kinda confused, I --

BW:  Let me explain.  I have recently purchased a building downtown, and I was going to convert it into some sort of homeless shelter.  You know, tax write off and all. Come to find out, you're living in it! 

SW: Well, I didn't know it was yours, I mean, I --

BW: No, no, no!  Don't you see?  It's perfect! Someone needs to be in charge down there.  I understand you've been helping some friends of yours in your spare time?  Job hunting, setting up addresses, finding attire, babysitters, etc.?

SW: I -- well, yes, I --

BW:  Good!  Experience is always a plus!  You're perfect for the job.  We'll discuss it over dinner.  Now, where should Alfred pick you up?

She looks at him like he just fell out of the sky.

SW: Dinner?  I --

BW:  You *do* eat, don't you, Miss Wade?  Why go over the boring details in a dull place like this?  Now, where should Alfred meet you?

Not knowing any better, she figures this must be how business people do things.

SW: I -- uh, at the Y I guess, on --

Bruce waves her answer off.

BW:  He'll find it.  Be ready at 8.  Now, if you'll excuse me, Alfred will show you out.

Bruce got up and left a rather shell-shocked Sarina sitting in the room alone. She got up from her chair slowly and, still checking out at the surroundings, went out back into the main part of the house.  Alfred was there, Bruce was nowhere to be seen.

Alfred:  I hope all went well, miss.

SW:  You'd have to ask him, I'm not sure what happened myself.

Alfred notices her still looking around.

Alfred:  It is splendid, is it not?

SW:  I've never seen anything like this in my life!  Is this a house?  Or a museum?

Alfred: (smiles)  Perhaps we *should* start a tour service.  Master Bruce has collected some splendid artifacts.  It's a shame there's no one to really enjoy them.

SW:  Well, if you do start a tour, let me know.  I'd love to see the rest of it.

They are at the front door, and Alfred opens it up.

Alfred:  Can I offer you a ride?  It's quite a walk back to the city from here.

SW: No, thank you.  Nice to meet you.

Alfred:  I will see you at 8 then.

SW:  Oh.. yes.  See you then.

She half smiles at him, still somewhat confused about what just happened, and starts walking back to downtown Gotham city.

Chapter Two

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