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GCPD: Joining the Ship with More Donuts

            [...Chris <> begins...]

>    Apparently, Bullock still has some unresolved issues about the
> partner switch, with Renee asking to be moved into Special
> Investigations, alongside Loren.

Chris:  Hey, Loren, what's all this I hear about Renee moving into our

Loren: Well, um...

   Renee steps in with a large box, which she plops down on Chris's

Renee: Haven't you packed up yet?

Chris: Huh? What?

Renee: You've been moved to Major Crimes, bud. You get to work with
       Bullock, now.

Chris: What? How come no one told me?!?

Renee: You should have received a notice in your mailbox five days
       ago. You then had two days to launch a protest, reasoning why
       you shouldn't be transferred. Otherwise, the decision goes into
       effect today.

Chris: Five days ago? Why, that was the day that Wayne picked up my
       mail for me!

   Everyone turns to look at Wayne, who's sitting with his feet propped
up on his desk, cleaning his fingernails.

Wayne: Huh? Oh! Sorry, Chris! I um...forgot to tell you that was the yeah! Remember that strange JC character we ran
       into? Well, I happened upon him nosing around in the police
       records that day there was a brief scuffle, and I dropped your
       mail! Instead of going after him, being the great guy that I am,
       I decided to gather up your mail instead. I might have missed
       a piece...

Chris: Oh, man! Now what am I going to do?

Loren: Wayne! You let that guy escape? How could you?!? We've been
       trying to get a lead on him for months!

Wayne: Well, um... [Wayne looks around nervously] I didn't see him
       clearly, it could have been someone else....

Sarah: <sigh> Alright, someone's got to check on the records, and try
       to figure out if anything's missing.

Kitch: I'm on it!

Sarah: Good. We'll see how we can accommodate the transfer for you,
       Chris. Meanwhile, you'll be working with Harvey, temporarily.

   Harvey glares darkly at Chris.

Sarah: Alright folks, let's get back to work...

   The office bustles back to its usual busy self. The phones, which
for some inexplicable reason stopped ringing for the charade, begin
blasting away again.

   Harvey and Chris stroll out to the car.

Chris: So, where we could, um...get some good
Harvey: [suddenly lightening] Doughnuts? Do I ever!

Loren: Hmm....

Renee: What is it?

Loren: Well, as much as I suspect Wayne may have been making up
       stories about catching JC in the records room, it did get me

Renee: Really? That's amazing! :)

Loren: Well, thanks, it's really nothi-- Hey!

Renee: [hiding a smile] Please, go on...

Loren: Well, remember that phone call a few months back? I believe JC
       then promised his identity would be revealed sometime around

Renee: And...

Loren: Well, what if he were not stealing records, but planting them?

                [Pi <> continues...]

   Peering through a crack in the doorway, the man known only as Pi
smiles slightly at the confusion he and his agents have created and,
in a crisp English master-villain accent remarks:

Pi: How very entertaining... >-)

   The figure moves away from the office, casually leafing through the
open file in his hands...

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