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GCPD: The C(h)ase of the Lost Agent

                [...Loren <> begins...]

: Wayne: Wait. I've just thought of something. Something Helena said a
:        while back...
:    At the mention of that name, Loren makes a face like the donut he's
: eating is a lemon. The donut hits the bottom of the waste basket at
: the same time that Wayne reaches the exit.

Loren: Grrrr!!

Chris: He's gone, he's gone! You can take it easy, now.

Loren: No, it wasn't that, it's that I just wasted a perfectly good

Chris: Heh! :) You that I think about what he was saying, he
       mentioned that he couldn't say anything before January 1st. You
       think he could be Calendar Man's son? Or that serial killer...
       what was his name...?

Loren: Holiday, I think.

Chris: Yeah, Holiday!

Loren: Hey, I just got a great idea! I should call Babs to see what she
       can find out about all this!

Chris: (Whoa...I'm getting this strange deja vu feeling...) ;)

:    In a nearby apartment a young, red-haired woman stares at a screen.
: There's just time to make out the words 'DEO' and 'JC007' before she
: turns off the monitor. Smiling slightly, she reaches for the phone...

Young, red-haired woman: Damn, it's busy...he must be on the other line.

   ...back in the precinct...

Loren: Damn, it's busy...she must be on the other line. ;)

Chris: Well, why don't we call up that Chase woman. She works for the
       DEO, right?

   ...Chris dials Cameron's number at DEO Headquarters...

Dwight: Special Agent Dwight Williams.

Chris: Um... This is Special Investigations Officer Chris Small, with
       the Gotham City Police Department. Isn't this where I can reach
       Agent Chase?

Dwight: No, her line was cancelled a few months back. :( Sorry.

    Shocked, Chris hangs up the phone, and sits there, puzzled.

Chris: Damn it, the guy at the other end said that Chase isn't around
       anymore. What're we gonna do, partner?

Loren: Well, maybe we should go visit Babs...

Chris: You really think so? I mean, we've never been in the same place
       with her before.

Loren: Yeah, let's just hope nobody prevents us from getting to her
       before we get there. :) We'll get this JC thing solved, Chris.

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