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GCPD: Vari's Vengeance, Renee's Reward, and Chris's Call
                [...Loren <> begins...]

: Chuck: Hark, who's that? Why it's Uncle Vari, who is also just a wee
:        bit torqued over your labeling an ethnic Ukrainian as a
:        "Russian".  And we all know *his* forgiveness quotient...
:        Call me when you get out of intensive care, Loren.  :-)

Loren: Dang! I knew there was something I forgot about! :) (Seems like
       I'm always forgetting *something*. :)  )

Vari: So, you have been sleeping with Ari too, eh?

   Uncle Vari rolls up his sleeves.

Loren: No, no, sir! It's nothing like that, I swear! I'm trying to
       save --

Vari: I thought I could trust you. You were supposed to be my niece's
      friend, her protector...

Ariana: Uncle, please, no! Don't hurt him! He didn't do anything

Vari: See, now *she* tries to protect *you*!

   Uncle Vari lunges at Lt. Loren. Ari, dear, sweet, girl that she is,
screams. The front door busts open. And it's...

Renee: Freeze! GCPD! Step away from the officer!

   Uncle Vari moves away. Loren, who lays on the floor, semi-conscious
after Vari's beating, believes he can hear a familiar voice.

Loren: that you? You've come to save me!

Renee: Huh? Well, you got one thing right, at least. Seems like that's
       all I've been doing lately -- saving your butt.

   Renee kneels down to check on Loren, who, in an act of gratitude,
openly kisses Lt. Montoya, much to the chagrin of Ariana. Ariana
resolves to get her revenge. Renee, however, is pleasantly stunned.

Renee: Well...! :) A thank you would've been enough, but... :)

   Loren awakens from his momentary mental stupor, to realize that the
woman he traded tongues with was *not* Barbara Gordon, but Renee
Montoya, smiling away. He's still a little confused (and embarrassed).

Loren:! Uh...yeah, thanks for

Renee: Any time, Loren. :)

Loren: Why don't we just...uh...get back to the precinct.

Renee: Sure, I'll drive... :)

   The unsuspecting Loren and happily flustered Renee walk out toward
the police cruiser. Loren walks a little faster. :)

Vari: You can't just barge into my home like that!
      What was that all about?!?

   Ari starts crying. :(

> > Loren: Hi, Babs, it's me. Is there any way you could get Dinah to
> >        meet me in Gotham Heights in an hour?
> >        Yes, it's a matter of life and death.
> >        Yes, I know that if it isn't, you'll kick my butt.
> >        Yes, dear.
> >        Yes, dear.
> >        *Yes*, dear.
> >        Okay, thanks again.
> >        I love you, too. Bye. :)
> Red-headed woman: I wonder how long it's going to take him to figure
                    out he's talking to my voice synthesizer?  Sheesh.
                    And I thought that *Beeb* guy was an annoying
                    stalker... :-)

...the next day, at GCPD headquarters...

Kitch: Hey, Chris...I heard that Loren had some kind of lovebird chat
       with Barbara on the phone yesterday.

Chris: Oh, that? Hahahaha! Yeah, he does that a lot. Of course, he
       isn't *really* talking to her. He just makes it *seem* like he
       does. He really thinks he can steal Babs away from me.

Salucci: Chris, a message came in for you earlier. I think it was

Chris: Really?!? Thanks, Caz!

   Chris proceeds to dial up Barbara's number. Stan and Caz watch
patiently nearby.

Chris: Hi, Babs? How're you doing? You called me earlier?
       Oh, you want me to pick you up for lunch in an hour? Sure!


Salucci (whispering): Kitch, patch into that line!

Kitch: Already on it, partner. :)

Line 29: (Dial tone + Chris's voice.)

Salucci: Hey, loverboy! :)

   Chris is shocked to hear Caz's voice on the other end.

Chris: Oh...uh, hi, Caz.

   He turns around, to a laughing couple of cops.

Chris: Yeah, yeah. Keep laughing... I'll get you back... :)

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