Got a free Xbox demo of this in post from the nice people at Ubisoft.

Chose the ‘Play As Jack’ option and dived in. My thought process went something like this -

Oh my God. Oh my fucking God. This is the best game in the world ever. I love this! I’m running away from a T-Rex and trying to distract it and it’s the best looking T-Rex in a game ever. I love this. This game is the best thing I’ve ev…

Oh, I’ve only been playing for a couple of minutes and now I’m playing as Kong.

This is pretty good, too, not as awesome as the first section, but good. Nice looking beat-up action, with a bit of jumping around. It’s good. Oooh, just jumped into a nice fight against a couple of…

Oh, now this bit’s over too.

How long was that in total? Seemed liked about five minutes.

I hate short demos. Especially when they’re that short and that fucking good.