Oh dear.

I’m trying to play Halo 2 and it’s not going to well.

First off, I got an error trying to download the update to the emulation code, but got that on a second try. Then it wouldn’t see my Live account, but a restart fixed that.

Then I tried to download the multiplayer maps. When I tried to go into the map dowloader my TV picture went mental and came up with an ‘invalid scan fequency’ message. So I had to turn off the console and restart.

I think I know what’s happening. I’m guessing the old Xbox Live interface you need to use for this sort of thing runs at 50Hz and my TV doesn’t do 720p at 50Hz, usefully. So I’ve gone into the 360 setup and set the console to run at 480p. (Looks very chunky in that resolution I must say.) Now I can download the maps. When that’s done I need to eject the disc, set my 360 back to 720p mode and then start Halo 2 again.

Why on earth they’ve set these old download screens to run at 50Hz (or whatever odd resolution and refresh rate they’re using) I really don’t know. Another thing Microsoft might want to think about fixing in an update. It really only goes to confirm that this backwards compatibility thing is something of an afterthought.

Still, I’m only testing it to see how it works. Perfect Dark Zero will do for my online killing needs now.