Hmpf. My Sabre Wulf guy icon isn’t showing up on the web. It’s fine on the 360. Hopefully they’ll sort it out soon.

Anyway, I started Call of Duty 2 today. On Veteran (i.e. hardest) difficulty. This may turn out to be a mistake, but I’ve been pressured into it by all the big boys saying it’s the only way to play and it’s so intense and stuff.

And it is intense. I can’t argue there. I’ve done the training and the first mission and I’ve died. A lot. But I’ve been learning, too. And working things out. It’s partly about the speed you can move the crosshairs over a target, yes, but it’s also about positioning and good use of grenades and all that.

I thought one part was going to be impossible until I remembered that I smoke grenades, for example.

It’s very good stuff, but it’s very hard work.