Good. After some confusion, Steve and I teamed up and reunited Kaitlin with her kitten. (Okay, in the end it wasn’t much of a team-up. It’s the kitten end of things that has to do most of the work.)

Dusty popped in for a visit and left saying he’d open his gate, but he didn’t. Or something odd happened. So I ended up in Sausages, Rich’s town, again. Paid Olivia a visit to show I hadn’t forgotten her. She wasn’t quaking in fear, so I guess she’s not got my letter yet.

Then I popped into Hoomage and was proud to see one of my constellations in the night sky. Good stuff. I like the viral stuff when it works. When it doesn’t, it’s annoying. I got my bottle message back today. Grr.

Just went to see K.K. Slider play. Odd how Nintendo explicitly promote piracy at the end of his performances…