Well, I’ve got the full version now.

Single player seems okay. Nothing inspiring in the first couple of missions, but it’s quite good fun.

Really got it for the multiplayer, though. So I’ve tried it online. First four matches I tried to play all ended in immediate disconnections after loading. They were all against the same player. As soon as I got matched with somebody else everything was fine.

Except I seem to be rubbish. I was good the demo, but I guess I was playing against people who didn’t know what they were doing. Everybody online with the full game does know what they’re doing. And they’re better than me. Mainly, it seems, because they know how to do two things I don’t.

1) Do a melee attack.
2) Destroy any gun emplacements I build within seconds of them being built.

Number one can probably be sorted out by me opening the manual. Number two might take some doing. First I need to work out how they’re destroying my guns so quickly and then I’ve got to do it myself.