Here’s a surprise. Didn’t know anything about this, but Touch Arcade exploded overnight when it was released, so I thought I’d take a look.

(People who set iPhone game prices take note – a launch sale does wonders to turn “new release interest” into “must buy before price goes up.”)

It’s basically a physics puzzle game, where you place bombs and adjust their timing to blow little round chaps into the exit vortex.

It’s gorgeous, for starters. No, look.

Gorgeous. Not that that screen shot shows it off at its best.

It’s very well designed, with helpful hints that don’t turn into a dull tutorial. It starts easy, then gets harder. I’ve only down the first world and part of the second, so it’s all been pretty easy so far, but there’s been a noticeable, though shallow, upwards curve. Also, you can instantly reset the level when you fail with all your bombs in place, so you can instantly tweak, not recreate.

It’s brilliant.