Played a lot of this over the weekend and finally managed to get above 1,000 metres. Or feet. Or whatever scale it’s using. I can’t remember offhand. Let’s just call it points. I got over 1,000 points. There. Good. Let’s move on.

It’s a great little game, but I’ve got a bigger problem than the splash screens I mentioned earlier. Let’s look at the picture below.

Ninjatown: Trees of Doom!

Branches are springy.

You see that arrow? That shows where you’re going to land when you jump off the branch. You aim by pulling down and releasing. Seems simple, but every now and again when I take my thumb off the screen the arrow changes and instead of leaping to safety, I leap to my doom.

It wasn’t much of a problem at first, but now I’m getting better at the game, I’m finding that most of my deaths come from these bad leaps. It’s starting to get annoying. Either I’m going to have to find a way to let go of the screen without changing my aim or I’m going to delete in the game in a fit of frustration.

I hope it’s the former, because everything else about the game is just lovely.