Generic title ahoy! I mean, really.

Anyway, this seems to be an interesting little game. You’ve got four survivors, with different skills, and you kit them out with weapons, then lay down sand bags to try and delay the zombies that pour in through the entrance. Once you kill them all, you get to spend some time searching for new weapons and laying down new defenses, then its on to the next wave.

Basically, you need to design a maze where you can shoot the zombies, but they can’t get you. You can choose where to spend each night, which adds a nice wrinkle to things. If you stay in a location you’ve already used there are more zombies, but you get to use the defenses you’ve already set up, as well as new ones.

Zombie Defense

Not got the hang of setting things up properly yet.

It’s a nice little mix of tower defense and that Flash zombie defense game I’ve forgotten the name of. Laying down defenses is a bit too fiddly for my liking, but there’s no time pressure.

The game’s free, but that only gives you three nights. For the full twenty nights you need to pay 59p, which seems like a very reasonable way of going about things. I died on the third night, though, so I didn’t need to spend any money. Worth a look, especially as it’s not going to cost you anything except your time. And we all know that’s worthless. Don’t deny it. You wouldn’t be reading this sorry excuse for a blog if it was.