Every Extend Extra Extreme (360)

Just one game of Unlimited mode, but that one game took a while. I was wondering how I could ever actually die, when I pushed things too far, lost a life and then hardly got any more Time Extends and had to watch as my time dwindled away.

Psychonauts (360)

Well, this finally downloaded and installed itself, but that wasn’t the end of the trouble. When I started it up it told me there was an update available which I should download. So I sat and watched the progress bar move across the screen, only to then be told that there was an error and the update couldn’t be installed. Then I got kicked back to the dashboard. Starting up the game after that worked fine, though, and after much stuttering on the intro movies the game’s worked fine, with only the most minor graphical problems since. (Mainly one-pixel-wide black lines appearing on the screen now and again.)

As for the game, it’s exactly what I remember from way back when. The script, voice acting and graphical design are very, very good, but the platforming is merely quite good. I’ve not yet got to any of the controller-smashingly frustrating sections, so we’ll see how far I get through the game this time.

Team Fortress 2 (360)

Again, a friends match turned into a no-friends match, so I had to leap into a random game. (After going through the final bit of the commentary I’d not heard yet.) This time I knew my limits and wasn’t as awful as I had been the other night. As the Pyro I got a few kills, as a Medic I did some useful healing.

Our team was utterly outclassed, though, and we lost every game heavily.

Team Fortress 2 (360)

I was meant to be playing this with friends last night, but nobody showed up. So after half an hour wandering round maps listening to the developers’ commentary, I leapt into a public game.

I was rubbish. Just awful. I had fun, though, even though I kept dying. And despite my incompetence my team won a couple of times, including one win that was so decisive that it got me a (richly undeserved) achievement. (Though there is a case to be made that by being such an easy target, I distracted the enemy from the better members of my team, and thus helped in my own way.)

Looking at the stats afterwards, it seems that I did far, far better when I was a pyro and sat back in defence, so I think that’s probably what I’ll stick to from now on.