Pff. Yes, pff. I’ve probably spent more time playing around with the control settings than playing this game. It only saves between levels, which sucks rancid monkey juices. I got it when I was having trouble with my previous, broken iPhone, so I’ve played the training level about a hundred and fifty thousand times, the level after that about eight times and never seen any more of the game than that. Still, I rather thought that the twin stick setup with the sensitivity on maximum was reasonably playable…

…but playing online has proven that to be very, very wrong. Oh, the game gets points for actually working online. I didn’t see any obvious lag and it was easy to jump into a game.

However, I couldn’t really play it. People kept killing me without me seeing them. When I did see someone, I got killed while I was struggling to put the sight over them. And if by some miracle I did get some shots off, they never seemed to die before turning around and killing me.

So, not unlike Modern Warfare on the 360, then. The main difference being I didn’t feel it was my skill letting me down, but my inability to control the game with any fluidity. A very frustrating experience, as you can see from the statistics below.

I guess it could have been hidden lag getting me killed, but it’s probably just that I was playing against kids who have somehow become one with the control system. Oh, if it had the control system from CoD: Zombies things may have been different. (A bit.)

I think I might delete this game, you know. I’m never going to actually play it, unless they patch in mid-level saving, and it uses up an awful lot of space.