Centipede/Millipede (360)

Been playing Millipede today. It’s fearfully addictive, despite the fact that I can’t come anywhere near the high score I set on the first day I played. Don’t you just hate it when that happens?

Blacksite Demo (360)

Short and sweet. If the framerate can be sorted out before release – right now it’s astonishingly bad – then this might be worth keeping an eye on.

Double Dragon Demo (360)

Not very good at all.

Jetpac Refeulled (360)

Ah, now this is better than I thought it was. I may even put some time in and try to make my score slightly more respectable. I’m not bottom of my Friends Leaderboard, but I’m down there.

Centipede/Millipede (360)

Not even a sniff of a new high score.