Marble Blast Ultra

Did a few more of the Advanced levels. They’re hard.

Then I leapt into a multiplayer match and came second out of three. Not too shabby. It was great fun, too.

I didn’t have my headset on, but realised after leacing that it had actually been plugged in. Hope I didn’t confuse anyone.

Xbox 360

Oh dear. I’ve done something I said I’d never do.

For the second time.

I’ve downloaded a theme. That costs actual, real money. For some image files. Four of them. I couldn’t help it. It’s an Oblivion theme and I’m more excited about that game than any other game this year. It’s not even a very good thing. Especially as it makes some of the interface text unreadable. D’oh. It’s certainly not a patch on the last theme I downloaded, which was from Rare and is a collection of Speccy screenshots. That’s so cool it was actually worth the quid or so it cost. I’ll probably switch back soon.

And talking of spending money, I wanted a new game today, so I downloaded Zuma. Cost 800 points, but it’s probaby worth it. (Even if I don’t like spending money on games that are stolen from someone else.) I went into Adventure mode and got up to level 3-2. Only two of my friends have got Zuma, so I’ve not got much to compare against… but they’re both much better than me.

Xbox 360

Started off with Hexic HD. I beat Survival mode, but got a rubbish score by the standards of my friends list. Then did a Timed game and didn’t think I did too well, but was further up my Friends leaderboard.

Then leapt into Marble Blast Ultra and did a couple of the Advanced levels. I’m not sure that I’m enjoying it any more. It’s very tough.

And talking of tough, decided to play Joust again for the first time in ages. After a couple of false starts I managed to get my best score ever. Still, it’s only a pitiful… well, the in-game scoreboard says I got 35,800, but the Live leaderboard says 37,750.


A bug, I guess. Annoying. It’s only 50 points, but still.

Hexic HD

Wanted to play something quickly before bed, so Live Arcade was the obvious choice.

Chose Hexic because I’ve not played it in ages.

Thought that Survival mode might offer a quicker game than Marathon, so went for that.

Realised when I hit level 32 with no signs of being in a danger of dying that I should have been in bed fifteen minutes earlier.

So, not quick then.

Marble Blast Ultra


Whirl is defeated!

Not sure how I managed it, but for two beautiful minutes and eight glorious seconds everything went my way and I sneaked home.

How people have managed it fourteen seconds I don’t know. There must be some serious glitches somewhere.