Shadow Of The Colossus

Well, phew.

Colossi seven and eight disposed of.

Number seven didn’t take very long.

Number eight… did. Over an hour, in fact. Firstly because it took me ages to work out what I should be doing. (I wasn’t missing the obvious, I don’t think, but the solution did make sense once I figured it out.) Then it took ages to actually kill the bugger once I knew how. Not helped by the fact that I got careless when I’d got him down to a sliver of health and then had to start all over again. I think that was my least favourite out of all the ones so far, but it was still good fun. It just wasn’t as awesome as the others. A bit too small, I think, a bit too standard.

The music in this game is something special too. It wouldn’t be nearly as atmospheric and intense without it.

Anyway, phew. Bed time soon, I think. Certainly no more gaming.