First off, THE FUCKING FREE DOWNLOADABLE DEMO decided to install FUCKING HORRIBLE COPY PROTECTION SOFTWARE on to my PC, which required a reboot. Copy protection? On a demo? For fuck’s sake. PULL YOUR FUCKING HEADS OUT OF YOUR FUCKING ARSES, publishers. Oooh, I’m angry. Grrr.

Anyway, it was the same copy protection stuff as Space Rangers, as far as I can tell, so it’s not that big a deal with me. (Though, interestingly, my anti-virus software complained about being disabled when I rebooted and I had to go in and re-enable it. Hmm.)

Still not as scary as Sony Audio CDs.

But was the demo worth it? Well, no, not really. It’s a hardcore driving simulator or ‘unplayable’, as we used to say. Really, I just couldn’t keep the thing on the road. I tried all three cars. I did kind of like it, in an odd way, but the whole not being able to go round corners thing took some of the shine off it.