A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged carcassonne

Carcassonne (iPhone)
Oct 5th
I played an entire multiplayer game of Carcassonne in one sitting last night.
I lost, heavily.
I thought it was because I’d been unlucky with the draw, but my opponent told me that I’d missed several opportunities to take the biggest castle for myself.
I guess, then, that I’m just not very good. (I’m still third on my friends leaderboard, though.)
I think I’m getting better, slowly. I’m looking at the remaining tiles before playing a move now, for example, to see how likely I am to be able to complete any plans I have. I’m trying to think long term from the beginning, but I think it’s at the expense of flexibility. I decide on a course of action and dedicate myself to it, missing other plays I could make that would be more fruitful.
It’s amazing that after all this time and all these games that I still feel very much like a beginner; it’s an incredibly well-designed game.

Carcassonne (iPhone)
Oct 4th
Unlike Words With Friends, which is fairly constant, my Carcassonne playing has slowed right down lately. I think I’ve only got one game on the go right now, but I finished a brilliant game over the weekend.
I was feeling fairly confident at the mid-game stage, but near the end of the game my cunning opponent closed off some castles and put his peeps to work in the fields. With one straight road piece left, the game would hinge on who got it. If he got it, he could neutralise my largest field, if I got it I could make sure his peep was wasted.
I got it, right near the end of the game.
I still wasn’t sure who would win. If you’ve played the game, you’ll know that there’s nothing more tense than watching the numbers tick up once all the tiles have been played. I watched, I held my breath, I won by one solitary point.
It’s a brilliant game, ported to the iPhone with great care, so why am I not playing it much? There’s a simple answer. It requires a huge amount of concentration and planning. It makes your brain work far more than something like Words With Friends, where it’s hard to plan more than a move or two ahead. In Carcassonne you’re constantly watching what everyone is doing, trying to play the odds, making important decisions almost every turn, thinking through the whole game. It wears me out. There’s only so much I can take.

Carcassonne (iPhone)
Jul 19th
Had some very, very enjoyable games at the weekend, especially when we were focused on land grabs.
It’s all very well going for castle and road points, but if you let your opponent(s) grab points at the end of the game then you’re stuffed. Obvious stuff, yes, but I’m starting to feel like I’m getting into the game properly now.
Yes, I’m even winning some of my matches, but by no means all.

Carcassonne (iPhone)
Jul 5th
Just like Words With Friends, I play Carcassonne every day but never seem to blog about it. It’s hard to find anything useful to say. It’s a bloody brilliant game design, it’s perfectly executed on the iPhone and even the teething troubles with Internet play against friends seem to have been ironed out now.
Oh, and I won a game at the weekend. I think it was a fluke, though, because I don’t feel like I’ve really got a handle on the game yet.

Carcassonne (iPhone)
Jun 11th

Solitaire mode. The tutorial was a bit rubbish - or I skipped some of it without realising - but it eventually makes sense.
Tried the Solitaire mode of Carcassonne last night. Basically, you need to create cities and roads that increase in size. First up, you need to create roads and cities that cover two squares, then three and so on. Laying tiles loses you points – and the points you lose increase as the size of the map increases. So you’ve basically got to complete cities and roads while trying to keep the map as small as possible.
It’s hard work, but in a good way, I think. I need more time with it to be sure.