A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged star wars

Star Wars: Battle for Hoth (iPhone)
Jul 19th
Another decent Star Wars game. I’ve not played many levels yet – and I’m playing on Easy, which is may have been a mistake – but this seems like a solid, unspectacular tower defense game.
But it’s got a Star Wars theme, so that raises it from “good” to “great” for me. I love Star Wars.
Star Wars Trench Run (iPhone)
Nov 24th
For Star Wars fans only, this one. Which isn’t to say it’s bad, but that without any emotional attachment to the content it definitely won’t be worth three quid. In many ways an update to the original arcade game, you start out dogfighting above the surface of the Death Star, then fly down the trench, avoiding obstacles (and Darth Vader’s TIE fighter) before blowing the whole thing up. That’s about it for mission mode, but there are also a couple of arcade modes, where you can fly down an infinitely long trench or fend off endless waves of TIE Fighters.
It’s a bit shoddy here and there – in the trenches the gun emplacements don’t actually fire at you, instead the game just animates laser bolts flying at you from miles away. (And they’re laser bolts that can fly through solid obstacles, at that.) More importantly, there are no tilt calibration options, so you have to hunch over the game in exactly the position it wants you to be in. Fine for playing at your desk, not so good for playing in bed.
Still, the core dogfighting and, er, trench-running sections work really, really well and it does capture the feeling of being in Star Wars. I can’t see it something I’d sit down with for hours, but I expect I’ll start it up for a quick go an awful lot over the life of my iPhone.
Put it this way, if you’re tempted to get proudly misty-eyed when Han Solo congratulates you on a great shot, this is probably worth getting, Otherwise, I’d probably give it a miss.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes Demo (PS3)
Oct 8th
By the standards of licensed children’s tat, this isn’t bad.
There are two missions – a Clone mission which is a scrolling twin-stick shooter and a Jedi mission which feels a bit like Lego Star Wars without the the Lego.
I enjoyed myself, but if a game’s got “Star Wars” in the title then I can enjoy anything that reaches a fairly low threshold of competence.
I suspect that the game’s not nearly as good as I think it is and I just got blinded by battle droids and light sabers.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PSP)
Sep 24th
Well, I wasted all yesterday evening trying and failing to grab a Little Big Planet beta key from Eurogamer, so I didn’t do much gaming.
Just before bed, though, I did the Historical Mission set in cloud city, where I had to be Vader fighting Luke. Luke used some moves I really don’t remember from the film, but I eventually beat him, cut his hand off and informed him that I was his father. He didn’t take the news very well, but never mind.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PSP)
Sep 21st
Yes, I’m a sad old Start Wars geek. As soon as I finished the PS3 version, I turned on the PSP.
Same story (if cut down a little), completely different level design, decent controls, horrible camera. I’ve been having fun with it, though it’s definitely not perfect. The camera is a real issue and I think it might get a bit too hard later on.
One very nice thing is that it has game types not in the big console versions. There’s a series of one-on-one duels against saber-users from throughout the Star Wars time line, there’s a survival mode, a series of short arena-based missions from the Star Wars film and, er, I think there’s another game mode I’ve forgotten. Best of all, you can choose your character for some of these modes, so I get to be Asajj Ventress, which is always nice.
It’s a real shame these modes aren’t in the major console versions, as they’d really help to pad out a very short game.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS3)
Sep 21st
Started and completed in one thoroughly enjoyable seven-and-a-half hour session.
Bit buggy, but generally solid. Lots of stormtroopers to kill. No complaints here. (Apart from having to play the PS3 version because the 360 version was out of stock. Still, I assume they’re pretty much the same.)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo (360)
Aug 23rd
Played this again this morning, just to check I was right about it first time.
It turns out I was. It’s great, chaotic fun, but it’s a bit too hard to choose exactly which object you want to use the force on. If anything, I enjoyed it more the second time through, due to knowing what I was doing.
I also started noticing the little things more. Like a Stormtrooper putting his hand on a container to steady himself when getting up off the floor. Or a rebel soldier doggedly hanging on to another container I was waving around the room. (There are a lot of containers in this game. Well, I assume they’re containers, they’re basically just big blocks for you play with using the force.) Small interactions like that are genuinely impressive and, even when you’re not consciously noticing them, they should help the world feel more solid.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Demo (360)
Aug 21st
I mean, it appears to be a good game, maybe not great, certainly more than decent, but it’s also PURE AWESOME.
I like Star Wars, you see.
And this is very, very Star Wars.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (DS)
Nov 19th
As well as the 360 version, I also played some of the DS version. Unlike last year’s terrible effort, this one works properly and is very playable. A huge amount of stuff seems to have been fitted into the DS cart. The levels are massive, the graphics are great and it sounds just like it should.
Very, very impressive indeed.
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360)
Nov 19th
Another game that’s great for co-op gaming with the wife. Like Mario, it looks lovely – but not as polished. Like Mario, it sounds great – but it’s using the movie’s sounds. Unlike Mario, it feels slightly clunky to control and deaths often seem random. That’s not a problem, though. The joy of the game doesn’t come from the base gameplay, from the Star Warsy Legoness of it all.
This is two great pieces of Star Wars merchandise polished up and put into one package. It’s fantastic value for fans of the Star Wars universe. A good game in great clothes.
And you can give Darth Maul a giant afro.