A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged phoenix wright

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (iPhone)
May 24th
Take that!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney has just appeared on the App Store. It’s the first DS game in its entirety for the bargain price of £2.99.
I never did finish the DS version, I don’t think – I’m not sure I ever started the fifth case and I’m pretty sure I didn’t finish it – but I’m also looking forward to replaying the cases I did play back in the day.
It’s a decent conversion. The two DS screens are shown using the iPhone’s portrait orientation and, apart from looking a little small, there’s nothing to complain about, except for wishing text appeared a little more quickly. It even does a quick save when you press the Home button. Yes, I know it should, but there’s enough games that don’t to make it worth pointing out.
I’ve just spent my lunchtime playing through the first case. All simple, tutorial-level stuff, but it’s very satisfying when everything goes to plan. I remember it being slightly annoying in later cases when my brain failed me and it became an exercise in trial and error, but hopefully I’m cleverer now.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Jul 27th
Well, that’s case four finished.
Bit of an epic, that was.
Now – case five awaits!
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Jul 21st
Hooray for surprise witnesses!
And hooray for the power of the DS Lite’s incredible screens meaning I could play this on the bus this morning.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Jul 18th
Well, I got past the bit I was stuck on. Found a way to be able to resume the game from any point, rather than the start of the day, otherwise I’d still be there.
Anyway, did that and then got through the next day of investigation easily enough. (Lake monster, inflatable samurai, strangely intelligent parrot, earthquake, etc.)
Back into court tomorrow.
Deep breath.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Jul 17th
I’ve played for a couple of hours this evening and I’m right back where I was at the start because I keep fucking up cross examinations.
This game would be a lot better without this annoying life business. It’s hard enough to work out what to do without having to spend half an hour hammering the screen with the stylus to get back to where I fucked up.
That’s quite enough for this evening. Maybe for ever?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Jul 10th
Finally decided to polish this off. Though that may take a while as I’d just done the first three cases.
Now I’m one day into the fourth case, which took most of the evening to get through.
Not that I mind, it’s a great game, it’s just I feel pressure because I want to be able to tick it off the list of unfinished games.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Nov 19th
Episode three has finally been finished.
I got a bit stuck for a while, having missed an obvious contradiction in the witness testimony, but I got there in the end.
Now, do I move on to episode four or give Sonic Rush a go…?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Nov 15th
Another day of twisty, turny investigation.
It’s really impossible to talk about, because just about anything I say would ruin it, but it is damn good stuff.
It’s a great time to be a gamer.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Nov 15th
I’m back!
Even though it’s been a few weeks since I last played I could remember where I was, more or less.
It’s just so good. It’s laugh-out-loud funny and just generally one of the best things to ever be shoved into a cartridge.
I’m up to the end of the first day of the third episode now. It’s not a small game.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Oct 23rd
Was going to install Football Manager 2006, but somehow ended up switching the DS on instead. Started episode three, but almost as soon as I did the DS’s battery light went red. Played for a while, but got too worried about the thing dying and losing all my progress, so I saved the game and plugged it into the charger.
Damn battery-powered consoles.