A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged geometry wars

Geometry Wars: Touch (iPhone)
Jun 21st
Huh. Here’s a thing. I spent a long, long time playing this over the weekend. Maybe even, ooooooh, forty-five minutes in total. (No, really, that’s a lot.) Mainly Pacifism mode. Partly because it means only one thumb is on the screen, partly because it’s always been my favourite mode.
So I guess the game actually is worth getting. I really wasn’t sure. Hey ho.
Still sucks mighty, mighty monkey balls that you need to be online to save your high score, though.

Geometry Wars: Touch (iPhone)
Jun 17th
Annoying Facebook integration. (-5 points)
Doesn’t save scores when you’re offline – and isn’t saving any local high scores for me at all. (When I restart the game, I’m still on the leaderboards but the High Score display at the top right of the screen is 0.) (-15 points)
It costs £2.99, more than many of the games that were inspire by it. (-15 points)
Thumbs being in the way of the screen is a real problem and leads to many deaths. (-40 points)
The controls are great. (+30 points)
All the modes from the XBLA version are intact and they’ve added a new, Asteroids-like mode. (+50 points)
It looks and feels like Geometry Wars. (+35 points)
But the thumbs being in the way of the screen issue is really troublesome. (-40 more points)
TOTAL: 0 points
What does that mean? I’m not sure. It’s Geometry Wars, the controls are great, it’s got lots of modes… but there are high score issues and dying because enemies were under your thumbs is terrifically annoying. I’m really not sure whether or not I can recommend it. Best come back later, see if I actually keep playing or not.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 12th
Half an hour playing Pacifism. I got a new high score and went up a place on my Friends Leaderboard, but it wasn’t a huge improvement. Just an extra million or so. Still, better than nothing.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 8th
Went to bed a few minutes late because I couldn’t stop trying to get Wax Off. I failed. Didn’t even get close.
I need to get that Achievement, because it’s distracting me when I try to play Pacifism.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 7th
Some Pacifism while waiting for Braid to download. Didn’t get any good scores at all.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 5th
Well, I tried to play this last night, but I was awful. Didn’t get close to any high scores in any of the modes I played.
I did get to 98% of Wax Off before dying, but that was the nearest I came to doing anything useful.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 3rd
Last time I checked, deKay still hadn’t beaten my Deadline score, I’d got back above him in King, but he was winning everything else.
Got the Treaty Achievement today. Can’t do Wax Off, which is annoying as the status updates are quite distracting when I’m playing Pacifism. Not sure what the others are that I’ve got left to do, except for Smile, which will probably elude me forever.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 3rd
It would be nice if people I’d passed in the leaderboards didn’t play again.
It’s a bit soon to making any real judgments, but this game feel special in a very rare way. I think this might be a long-term game.
Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 (360)
Aug 2nd
When I started playing today deKay was above me on all the leaderboards. By the time I finished, I was ahead on four of them. I’m never going to beat his Pacifism or Sequence scores, though.