Wind serpent’s called Tara now. Well, she is a kind of amber colour. Does fit. Sort of.

I’ve just down a load of quests, got to level nineteen and, indeed, halfway to twenty. Quests for my level seem to be getting thinner on the ground now, though, so I think I’m going to nip back to Silverpine for a bit and finish off a couple I’ve got there.

Once that’s done I might have to go back to The Crossroads and do some quests that don’t appeal until I get sent somewhere new. Trouble is, somewhere new is probably going to be contested territory, where I find out how annoying being on a PvP server is. It was quite annoying when I used to group and it was close to release, so most people were about my level.

Now I’m on a server where the majority of people seem to be level fifty and above and who don’t have any qualms about killing people thirty levels lower than them.


This is what I signed up for, though. Willingly and with eyes open.