Archive for May, 2006

Brain Age

My brain is 41 today. Better.

I unlocked a new game, too. Low to High, which is very hard indeed.

I really don’t know my times tables any more.


Tried this on the N64 for the first time in manay, many years. Didn’t look as bad as I’d feared it might, but I could not control the damn thing. Partly due to dodgy analogue stick, partly due to the fact that my brain is now wired for twin sticks. I was on my through the dam, though, and determined to stick with it when a group of enemies advancing on me suddenly started twisting in mid-air… and then the game crashed.

I don’t remember it doing that in the old days.

Hardwoord Hearts Demo

Well, Live Arcade suddenly sped up for me so I downloaded the trial version of Hardwood Hearts.

It does what it says on the tin. Took too long to get used to the graphics – distinguishing suits was hard, which is incredibly rubbish for a card game – but apart from that it was fine.

I’ll probably buy it at some point, though even 400 points seems a touch expensive.

Top Spin 2 Demo

Something weird’s still going on with my connection to Live. When it’s downloading lists of downloads (Arcade, Marketplace) and sending messages, it’s horribly slow. Sometimes even timing out. Trying to download Live Arcade games doesn’t work. The downloads just come down the pipe in tiny scraps long, long seconds apart.

But when I download demos they absolutely fly. Basically max out my connection.

Very strange. They seem to have upgraded some servers and downgraded others. Or maybe switched some servers to Marketplace downloads from serving up menus and Arcade games. I dunno.

Anyway, Top Spin 2. Seemed okay, but then put me on the top of the screen. I hate tennis games that do that. It’s rubbish and shouldn’t be allowed. So I turned it off.

Brain Age

Fifty-one today.

I have no real excuses. It thought a few of my threes were fives again. It did recognise my voice one hundred percent of the time, but I didn’t have many input problems at all.

Oh well.