The remake of The Wicker Man is as bad as the original is good. The original is one of my favourite films, maybe my very favourite. So, no, I didn’t go into the remake with a very open mind. But I simply didn’t expect it to be as bad as it was. As a remake it was all wrong, with the themes and style of the original film completely destroyed.

However, more than that, just taken by itself as a modern horror/thriller movie it’s awful. It doesn’t make sense. Characters come and go with no reason or explanation. Nicolas Cage spends the entire movie looking as if he’s trying to work out whether or not he’s just soiled himself. Events just… happen, seemingly at random. Scenes just… occur. It’s a complete mess. Something went horribly, horribly wrong here.

It’s genuinely one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It’s up there with Romance, Boxing Helena and Batman & Robin.

And it’s probably put people off seeing the original, which just completely criminal.