Two more songs done on medium, both first time, then time to go to Sainsbury’s. Two bottles of Reggae Reggae Sauce bought – result! Although I’m already thinking that maybe we should have stocked up with more.

Anyway, I’ve just been reading more stuff about this whole “politeness in the blogosphere” thing. Blogosphere? Did I get that right? Anyway, there seems to be people saying you should stop people being nasty to people online and others saying that forcing people not to be nasty is even nastier than being nasty. Or something. I think I agree with the latter. Not that I have much experience. Maybe I would have if, instead of listing games I’ve played, that I wrote things about gay rights, abortion and terrorism. (For the record: for, nothing to do with me, against.)

So it struck me that the solution to the problem of online aggression is easy. Everyone should write stuff that nobody else reads. Or at the very most that only three or four other people with similar interests and who broadly agree with the writer read. So, yes, people shouldn’t write about important stuff. Let’s limit the world’s blogs to dealing with specialist and/or trivial issues and let’s also write in long badly contructed sentences that lack necessay punctuation such as commas and hyphens and which go on a bit after they really should have stopped.

Yes, that’s the plan. And if you don’t believe me then you’re a ["silly person" - Ed].