I’ve gone right off this now.

I was stuck on the level above for a while. I could get the ball out of the maze, though it always took ages and wasn’t much fun, but then missed it on the way out. Until, eventually, the ball fell out of the maze and it said I’d won the level. No idea how the ball managed hit one of my ragdolls, but I guess it did.

Now I’m on this level. I don’t know what to do and can’t be bothered to play around and work it out. I’m just not interested at all any more.

The caveat being that I probably will go back at some point, I’ll get past that level and I’ll do a few more and then only stop when I get stuck again and then claim I hate the game again – which I will, at the moment I’m typing. I should probably delete it and stop the pain, but I’m not sure I that I really want to.