Finally played this again last night. You may have noticed that I’ve not been playing it, despite paying the huge price of £5.99 for the game. There’s a reason for that. It’s not that it’s a bad game. It’s not that there are better games on my iPhone – there may be, but Doom Resurrection’s up there near the top even if it’s not the absolute best.

No, the reason I’ve not been playing it is because I want to do it justice. I want to be sitting in the right position and be able to have sound on – and loud. (For the record, I mostly play iPhone games without sound, or just on the quietest setting, which is why you’ll normally hear me talking about graphics and gameplay a lot more than I mention the sound.) Doom seems to deserve the best treatment I can give it, short of actually using headphones – though I may do that some time.

So, last night I played through what I think was the third level. It was brilliant. Great controls, great presentation, shooting of maximum fun and, well, it’s got that lovely Doomness about it. I love Doom. Even Doom 3, yes. A new enemy type was introduced, along with a favourite old weapon…

Er, that’s a chainsaw, by the way. You probably can’t tell from that picture.

Come get some!