All across the vast world wide web you can find people praising this game, so I really don’t need to.

But I will.

I start it up for one level – just one, because I want it to last for a long time – and end up playing for four or five. That’s about my limit, because it does starting feeling a little repetitive by then. I don’t mind overly much, though, because even stopping for half an hour makes the game feel fresh when I come back.

It’s a very good game.

There’s also something of a story. There’s an abandoned manor – can you work out why the Bryce family disappeared? I can’t. I’ve made some things glow. A gravestone and, er, well I can’t remember what else offhand. I don’t know what the glowing means. I don’t know the relevance of the lost items. Was the locket in the well? Why is there a gap in the washing on the line? Does that even mean anything or am I trying to hard?

I get the feeling that I’ll either end the game as baffled as I was at the beginning, or everything will be revealed at the end. I suspect the former. I doubt I’ll be able to work out what happened on my own. If there is an explanation at the end, I may even be disappointed, because the sense that there’s a larger mystery gives the game its atmosphere.

It’s not like Braid, which made you feel stupid… okay, made me feel stupid. It doesn’t seem to be willfully obtuse. It’s just that there is background and there are clues. I may even be trying to read way too much into things – maybe making things glow is just giving me bonus points, or something – but there’s something about the game that makes me feel like I’m not quite seeing everything. And I like that.

Anyway, whatever, it’s a great game, whatever happens with the background story in the end.