Downloaded one of the free maps – Invasion. It’s 152 waves of aliens, with three points of entry. Only one exit, though, like all the maps I’ve tried so far, so I build my maze from the end backwards. Seems logical.

I died the first time, but made it through second time. The secret? Nothing special, really. Just a good mix of towers – including dedicated anti-air – and nukes. Lots of nukes.

At the end of it the game uploaded my score and I was 50th in the world! Amazing!

Well, amazing until you realise that’s only on the daily leaderboard. Hmpf. I’ve still got a long way to go.

Anyway, despite still not really knowing about the alien types (though I’m slowly starting to learn just by playing), I had great fun. Most importantly – I played for an hour or so without selling a tower accidentally. Not a single one. Maybe I’ve finally learned not to do that. Let’s hope so.