I finally got the full game on Saturday morning. I couldn’t play until both the wife and I were ready – she wanted to watch me play so she could see the story – so ended up playing Saturday afternoon, then Saturday evening, for a total of four or five hours. Then on Sunday I waited until after the Eastenders omnibus, then played for a single seven-hour sitting and finished the story.

(I’ve still got 80-odd secrets to find and I’ve not really touched the challenge rooms.)

So, how was it?

Very, very, very good.

Combat works, stealth works, the jumping works, the puzzling works, the difficulty level on Normal is pitched absolutely perfectly for me… it just all fits together beautifully.

Most of all, though, above everything else, it’s Batman. It loves Batman, his world and his rogues gallery and it shows. Everything from the story to the setting, right down to the character biographies, it’s a game that loves this world and wants to finally do it justice.

It’s a very good game, but it’s a great Batman game.

I’m very much looking forward to finding the final secrets – there’s a question mark under an arch that’s been bugging me since yesterday, I just couldn’t see the dot – and trying out the challenge rooms.

I’m pretty sure this will be one of the relatively rare games that I keep forever and refuse to ever trade.

As a Batman fan – I have a Batman clock by the bed and framed Ty Templeton sketches on my wall – this has made me very, very happy.