I was in a very tower defense mood over the weekend and divided my time between three of them. The first I’m going to write about is Sentinel, which I’d played before and found very uninspiring, but completely functional. There didn’t seem anything that wrong with it, but it didn’t seem to elevate itself above the standard, either.

Further play this weekend cemented those impressions. I like a lot of what it does, but ninety waves per level seems a bit a much and when you first play a level it’s very, very hard to work out where the creeps will go and where you can build towers. Still, it’s obviously designed for multiple plays through each level. I just went through all four of them on easy mode, just to get a feel for them and to open them up. I’ll probably go back and play through them on medium before before starting the sequel which I bought because, yes, it was on sale for 59p.

It’s a thoroughly decent game with a couple of small problems, but it’s not something I can see myself ever falling in love with. And yet I keep coming back.