Stupidly OTT third-person gorefest, like the mad aunt nobody mentions in the Devil May Cry and Ninja Gaiden family. I surprised myself by actually managing to pull off sensible moves and dodges, despite everything being too busy for my conscious mind to process. One of those games where you really have to go with the flow. If you stop to think about what to do, it’s all over, but if you let your thumbs and fingers do the work, magical things can happen.

(I wasn’t that great at it, mind. I died a few times during the demo and ended up with Stone rank overall, despite getting some platinum medals along the way.)

It’s all very, very silly. You’ve got guns attached to your boots, you can turn you hair into stiletto heels and iron maidens and you can pick up angelic trumpets that act as shotguns. It’s videogaming filtered through a fever dream that’s been sped up to twice its normal speed – and probably quite brilliant, though it’s hard to tell.