A Gaming Diary
Posts tagged prinny
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? (PSP)
Feb 25th
I’m at the final boss rush – which has checkpoints between bosses, thankfully. Bosses are upgraded versions of the original bosses I fought. I’m not going to make it, as I only have about thirty five lives left. I’m only on the second boss, see. That boss is actually two characters. They’d be easy enough to defeat individually, but together they’re really tough.
I’m wondering if playing without sound has made it unnecessarily difficult. There are probably audio cues to help you work out which of their attacks the bosses will do next, which I’m not getting. Still, they’re incredible in that they’re actually fun to fight – and if I have to run away and start the game over, which seems inevitable, then I’m not going to mind one bit.
This game has been a wonderful surprise. I wasn’t expecting much and yet I’ve put in over sixteen hours since I got it on Saturday. That’s an awful lot for me, an awful lot.
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? (PSP)
Feb 24th
Got to the boss Darth Moab with 134 lives. Am now down to 92 lives. The stupid thing is, there’s no reason to die. You can take four hits and all his attacks are avoidable. It’s just impatience and lack of skill that’s killing me.
And I’ve got a feeling this might be the start of a boss rush, possibly. Let’s hope not, eh?
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? (PSP)
Feb 24th
It took me two hundred and fifty lives to kill Chefbot-9000. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY. And that’s after losing over two hundred and fifty lives on the previous level. I’ve got just over a hundred lives left, so I’m not going to be able to make it through the dessert pirates’ lair, I don’t think. I might have to talk to the guy near the Etnachamber and quit the game, but restart fro the beginning with everything I’ve previously found unlocked.
And I’m still missing an orb. A purple one.
Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero? (PSP)
Feb 22nd
A 2D platform game starring the cult characters from Disgaea.
Rock hard. You start with 1,000 lives – I’ve lost about 430 in six hours of play.
However, though unforgiving, it’s very well designed and very compelling.
Think Megaman and you won’t go far wrong.