So, on the bus this morning I opened up the SP and did a couple of levels of the Lifespring Grotto. Got a cool knife that steals health from enemies. Really doesn’t work well on the undead though. Ouch.

But then, at work, the postman came…


Famicom edition, if you’re interested. Looks gorgeous. Non-gaming-geeks in office also thought it looked good.

Couldn’t charge it, but it seemed to come with a little bit of charge, so after gazing at the lovely shiny metalness of it for a while I shoved the Final Fantasy cart in and turned it on.

The screen is lovely. Absolutely lovely. I was concerned at first that it would be too small, but some FF play has put paid to those fears. In fact, I think it’s easier to see the battle numbers flying by on the Micro than it is on the DS. Something to do with the smaller screen and the brightness and the general crispness of it, I suppose.

Anyway, I didn’t play it long. Just long enough to get to an annoying level with disappearing pathways. The Micro’s on charge now. Luckily it didn’t blow up when I plugged it in. Yes, I used a step down converter, but I was still worried.

Anyway, I need a good session or two on it, but the Micro certainly seems like a lovely piece of kit. I worked out that it’s my seventh Game Boy. Nintendo must love me.