
Just… more.

What is there to say, really?

Garak is now officially my faithful friend.

I’ve gone to the Undead area to get quests, because all the ones I get given in The Barrens are too hard for me.

I’m still soloing, I’ve still not grouped with anyone.

Almost up top level fourteen.

I got on a ship to go to the neutral area of Booty Bay, but got scared so jumped off and got killed by something nasty in the water trying to swim back to shore.

There’s a centaur north-west of The Crossroads who doesn’t quite exist.

There are so few actual stories coming out my play this week that I’m really struggling to understand the hold it’s got on me. When I look back, it all seems so routine. All the quests are ones I did earlier this year with my first character. All the areas are familiar to me. I don’t have to look for anything, I just have to remember. Playing a hunter is also exactly the same type of play as playing a warlock. Ranged attacks and pet control.

It’s very strange. And slightly worrying.