Ah, the glamorous life of an adventurer.

I started this evening in my home city of Bastok, so ran straight out to kill things. Which wasn’t very easy, given the entire geek population of the earth had decided to do the same thing. I found enough things – worms mostly, the odd bat – to get me up to level three… and then I got killed by… oh, this is humilating… by… by a Walking Sapling. Yes, a tiny, baby tree salughtered me. It did it with ease, too. And while I was trying to run away.

So when I reincarnated myself back in Bastok I sold everything I could and bought a sword. A cheap, bronze sword worth half as much as a simple potion – yes, even potions are well out of my financial league right now – but a sword nonetheless. I felt better straight away. A sword is always going to be better than a dagger. I don’t care about stats, it’s better because it’s bigger and longer.

Yes, I have issues. Sue me.

Anyway, I ran out into the world and picked my way through the massive crowd and found a vulture. I readied my new sword and… died within seconds. Again I ran out into the world and after five minutes or so I found a rock lizard and I readied my sword once again and… died with seconds. Again I ran out into the world… and stuck to any worms and bats I could scavenge until my sword skills had reached level one and I’d reached level four.

And then I stopped playing. Level five seems a long way away, I’ve got no money and so no hope of saving up for any new clothes or anything. I’ve still not got any new spells. I assume you have to buy them, but I’ve not seen a magic shop. I bet they’re not cheap, either. I still don’t know why there’s a question mark before my name.

And I still haven’t talked to anyone. I did see a familiar name run past – Beertiger. I would have said hello, but I couldn’t be bothered to reach for the keyboard. Maybe if there had been some sort of voice chat…

I don’t feel like an adventurer. I feel like a slum dweller who has to survive each day by going to the rubbish tips and hoping to find trash worth selling before the million other people there do. It’s really not a life of high excitement and great deeds. It’s frequently boring, full of annoyances and yet… and yet… I played it for a good hour and a half this evening.