I may not be able to ride a bike in real life, but I can drive a car. (As long as it’s an automatic – yes, in many ways I am utterly pathetic.) OutRun 2006 isn’t much like driving a real car. That surge of joy, freedom and control you get for about twelve seconds in the average three hour drive through Britain is present a lot more often in OutRun. It’s not there all the time – especially in the PSP version, which is slightly hampered by the analogue nub and a dodgy framerate – but it’s still great, great fun and when the drifting is going right and you make a few turns in a row there’s not a driving game in the world that can touch it.

I’ve still not been able to finish the OutRun 2 15-stage continuous mode, but I’ve done some Heart Attack mode and unlocked an OutRun class car now, so I might be able to do it soon. Maybe.