I traded this in over a year ago, then missed it greatly. Only now has it become cheap enough for me to get a new copy. I downloaded the 1.7 update during the day, so it was ready for me to go in the evening. It felt great to be back, it really did. I tried out the bikes – which I think I love – then jumped back into a car and did a few races. Won a few, then lost one after the AI shunted me down a side road going completely the wrong way.

I wish I understood Burning Routes better. I get the concept, but I’m never sure what the point of them is, or the exact difference between online and offline times are. I’m sure it’s very simple, but I’m not very bright.

Also, the moment it started up it gave me an Achievement called “Watt?” before I’d even started playing, so I need to go and check what that was about.