A Gaming Diary
iPhone Round Up Part Two (iPhone)
Terminator Salvation Lite – A good effort, with the best use of a virtual d-pad I’ve found, but slightly over-ambitious. Thought has been put into providing a lot of different control options, but none of them quite feel comfortable.
Metal Gear Solid Touch Lite – Very much enjoyed this. Drag your sights around the screen to shoot enemies, the catch being that when you’re moving the sights and shooting you can be shot, but when you’re still you go into cover. I’d very much like the full version, but £4.99 feels steep when it used to cost £3.49.
I Love Katamari Lite – Haven’t quite got used to the tilt controls. Not sure I ever could. I need to play it more, see if it ever becomes comfortable.
Eliss Lite – A game that wouldn’t work on any platform other than the iPhone, which makes it something of a novelty. It’s meant to be good, but the demo is too short and the instructions make no sense at all. I’m interested, but not rushing off to buy.
My Brute Lite – Very limited demo. I play the web version every day, so an iPhone version would seem like an immediate buy, but £2.99 just feels too expensive. £1.79 or less and I’m there… though I may well cave and buy it soon anyway.
Tangled Lite – Untangle stuff. Can’t get my head around it at all and only solve puzzles by fluke. For clever people, though, I can see this being decent.
Unblock Me Free – Great little puzzle game that works perfectly and requires actual thinking. Good stuff.
Skybound Lite – Last but far from least, this is a lovely little game that reminds me off a flash game from a year or two ago where you had to collect bells, or something. A ball falls down the screen, you draw clouds underneath it so it bounces back up, you see how high you can go. Great little demo. I’d buy the full version for 59p in an instant and will probably pay the current price (£1.19 I think) before too long.
Print article | This entry was posted by That Rev Chap on July 15, 2009 at 11:44 am, and is filed under iPhone. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback from your own site. |
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Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker Demo Ops (PSP)
about 1 year ago - No comments
Generous demo version of the upcoming PSP Metal Gear game. It looks very nice, seems to be sensibly designed for the PSP with small areas that don’t take long to get through and for the most part it works very nicely. Sneaking and shooting both work very well, but unfortunately the camera controls just aren’t

Terminator Salvation (iPhone)
about 1 year ago - No comments
Excellent shooter. I’d played the demo a lot, then bought the game ages ago for 59p in a sale, but hadn’t got around to playing it. Started it up yesterday afternoon, didn’t stop until I’d finished the game. So, yes, it’s short. I’m not sure how short, but at a guess it took three or
i Love Katamari (iPhone)
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Katamari Forever Demo (PS3)
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i Love Katamari (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
So, this is currently on sale for £1.79, reduced from £4.99. I had the credit sitting in my account, so I downloaded it without hesitation. Which may have been a mistake. It’s not that it’s a small version of the game – that’s understandable and okay by me, given the price. It’s not the framerate,
i Love Katamari Lite (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
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Skybound (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
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Terminator Salvation Lite (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
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Skybound (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
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My Brute (iPhone)
about 2 years ago - No comments
I’m still playing this. I even made two new brutes to fill up my three character slots. (As I’ve mentioned before, there are nine character slots, but only three are open unless you recruit new pupils.) Also, I got a small bear. He’s a bit rubbish, but he does his best. I have such a