This is beginning to get difficult. And I’m not sure the boss health bars work properly. I’m almost positive I shot one boss for ages after his health was on zero without him dying – but it’s hard to keep an eye on health bars when you’re trying to shoot at something that’s doing its best to kill you dead.

I’d love to give you an action shot showing the pretty explosions and swarms of enemies, but when that’s happening I don’t have time to take a screenshot. So here’s a screen of a room where I’ve killed all the enemies except for a couple of little guns. Hey, at least there’s two – two! – bullets on the screen in this shot.

Also, the other day the developer gave out a bonus level in a way I’ve not seen before. It was a web link which, if opened in Safari on your iPhone, started the game with you all set up to play the new level. I don’t think it’s saved anywhere that I can see, you just have to follow the link every time. The developer warned that it was a hard level for leveled-up ships, but I thought I’d have a go anyway. The screen soon filled with bullets that could kill me with one hit and my guns seemed to have little effect on the baddies. I tried a couple of times, but it’s obvious I’m not ready for it. I didn’t cry, though. I took it like a man.