This got an update to version 1.5, so I decided to play it again, not that I’m actually ready to see any of the new content they added. I’m still stuck in campaign mode.

I went I say stuck, I mean stuck. I was on the same level all last night and never even got to see the boss.

One trouble was that the controls, which I’ve previously held up as a shining example of how virtual sticks should be done, weren’t working. My thumbs just kept sticking and I couldn’t seem to fire the way I wanted. (Oddly, movement was mostly okay, it was only my right thumb having real problems.) I tried cleaning the screen and my hands a few times and, eventually, things seemed to click back into place.

Then the trouble was that I’m just a bit rubbish. I also think I need a better ship. I managed to get the one I was using to its maximum level and still wasn’t doing too well.

I’m going to have play again, because it was a very unsatisfying experience and didn’t match up to my normal feelings about the game at all.